Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- PropertyValueSetterInterface
- Provides a way to *extract* the value of a property.
- AbstractPropertyNameExtractor
- Provides a default implementation used to *extract* the name of a property.
- AbstractPropertyValueExtractor
- Provides a default implementation used to *extract* the value of a property.
- ContainerLoader
- Configures a dependency injection container.
- DefaultColumnName
- Provides the column name of an unconfigured property.
- DefaultLabelFormat
- Provides the label format of an unconfigured property.
- PropertyTypeNotDeclared
- Explicitly describes the scenario when the type of a propery is not decalred.
- SizeNotConfigured
- Represents the scenario when the size of an entity is not configured.
- ColumnConfig
- Use to configure column name of record.
- Formats
- Contains formattable strings.
- Globs
- Contains all pathname patterns used by the framework.
- LabelFormatConfig
- Use to configure formatting of form field labels.